Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Requests for documents, in accordance with the State of Illinois Freedom of Information (5ILCS 140), must be submitted in writing and directed to the Freedom of Information Officer at the following address:

Kathleen A. Forzley, Freedom of Information Officer
315 Chicago Avenue
Clarendon Hills, IL 60514
Attn: FOIA Request

Email requests can be sent to or contact (630) 323-2626.

How can I submit a FOIA request?

The Clarendon Hills Park District has a form (see below) that may be completed. Requests should state the information being sought under the Freedom of Information Act. Provide a brief description of the public records requested, being as specific as possible. While responses can be provided via email, please provide a mailing address and phone number.

What happens after I submit a request?

The Illinois Freedom of Information Act requires agencies to respond in five (5) business days after receipt of a request. A five day extension is allowed with written notification to the requester.

What are the costs for duplication?

If the requested copies are 50 pages or less in length, the pages will be copied (regular size and black and white) at no charge. Paper copies (51 pages or more) will be charged $ .15 per page, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (5ILCS 140/6). Color copies and odd size documents will be charged accordingly. If the records exceed 50 pages, the requester will be informed of the duplication cost before copied. The Freedom of Information Officer will notify the requester when the documents are ready to be picked up. (If the documents are mailed, the postage will need to be reimbursed before the documents would be mailed to requester).