Little Learners Preschool is located at the Community Center. There are two classrooms devoted to early childhood learning.
The Little Learners Preschool Program is dedicated to the Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards that include Social Emotional Learning. Little Learners Preschool provides a positive, safe environment for children to explore and experience the following:
- An environment that supports children to be engaged and challenged.
- An environment that supports children to have confidence tin their own intellectual powers and their own questions.
- An environment that supports a child’s thinking to engage and extend interactions, through language, conversations, expressing views/arguments, thoughts, and planning.
- An environment that provides sustainable investigations worthy of a child’s interest, knowledge and understanding.
- An environment that supports children to take an initiative in a range of activities and accept responsibility for outcomes.
- An environment that reveals the satisfaction that comes from overcoming obstacles and setbacks, while supporting problem solving skills.
- An environment that empowers children to help others to investigate, engage and understand things better.
Our program is devoted to learning through play and the recognition of children as individuals with unique skill sets and individual learning styles.
This is a child centered learning environment focused on the whole child.
Call/ or email to schedule a private tour with the Early Childhood Recreation Supervisor, Michelle Koegel
Phone: 630-323-2626